Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Micro 10 C's Kit Testing: Produce Bag

EDC Survival Tin Testing: Produce Bag
I have added a produce bag to my wallet and a couple to my Micro 10 C's Kit (LINK) recently to replace a larger water container I had on the outside of the container. So whenever I decided to test out my Micro 10 C's Kit (LINK) this item real quick along with some of the other items (Gorilla Tape Tinder Bundle-LINK; Gorilla Tape Container- LINK; Gorilla Tape Cordage-LINK). The container will hold around 1 gallon of water is strong enough to carry it over a decent distance, it is also able to hold up to boiling if needed so it fulfills most of the needs of a container in the most compact package I could find.......BEST OF ALL THEY ARE FREE!
1) As you can see these bags fold up in a very neat manner and are compact enough to fit up to six in just the lid area of an Altoids tin.
2) Spread out the bag is roughly 1'x1'
3) Bag filled with roughly 1 gallon of water and sealed with a simple knot. You can use this method to hold the water and then use another bag with a string tied to each side to act as a quasi haversack to throw over your shoulder to assist in transportation.
4) Full bag tied with a simple figure 8 hanging over coals. If you want this to work don't have any flame left in your fire, build a strong coal bed (1-2 hours of burning hard woods) and DON'T let your bag touch the coals or any flames because the second it does you will have a hole on your hands.
5) For fun I threw the EDC cook set into the mix and was able to almost boil off their entire contents by the time I got a boil in the plastic bag. Remember baby the bag and keep it at least a fist length above the coals, give into speed and I guarantee you will regret it in the form of a hole in your bag.
6) Water at about 1.5 hours in at a fist length above the coals. As you can see the water has since boiled off from the EDC cook set and char-cloth is nearly ready. You can also see that we are starting to get a few bubbles.
7) A little over two hours in I got a little restless and got too close to the coals about the time I got a boil (you can see the heavy bubbling in the picture but I couldnt get a good picture of the rolling boil).
 Produce Bag As A Makeshift Water Filter
Aside from being a water carrying device this bag can be utilized as a water filter and here is a quick overview of how I made the bag into a filter.
1) Get your bag and use a simple figure 8 to tie bankline or twine to either side of the plastic bag.
2) Place a piece of cotton on the bottom of the bag to act as your last filter level which will filter out most of the sediment in the water
3) Place several small rocks or one large fist size rock in the center of the cotton (you want the bag to stretch a good bit so water cant just go around the filter elements).
4) Pulverize charcoal from your fire the night before and place on top of the cotton, if needed fell free to add a few larger chunks to get atleast 1-2" for this layer.
5) Place sand on top of the charcoal (more coarse sand seems to work a little better), remember you want at least 1-2" for this layer
6) Place 3-4" of green leafy material (not poisonous)  on top and your filter is ready to go!
7) Filter setup ready to go, this view also shows how to tie the bag off to use as a haversack to carry your water bag (see above suggestion). This was my first go with this bag and thus where I got the tip to add a fist size rock to the center above the cotton level (notice how there is a little slack on the sides for water to travel to).
8) After you have a taunt filter place a small hole in the bottom center of the bag for water to escape and then pour 1qt of water through if possible before drinking (you can catch and re-filter or otherwise your first go through will look a little like charcoal as the charcoal needs cleaned initially)
9) Pour your river water into your filter slowly concentrating it in the center section of the filter.
10) You get Filtered water out the other end (look at the water coming out of the bag not the water in the cup- I reused my dirty cup in this demonstration as I was recollecting to clean the filter a few times before placing the filter into a more permanent position.

So final thoughts: 1) It will work in a pinch if needed as a haversack, container, water filter or to collect condensation from trees (not pictured); 2) I would much rather have a Stainless Steel container and a tripod filter or a sawyer squeeze.

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