Other Wild Medicinal Posts:
Dandelion (a.k.a. Taraxacum); Plantago Major (i.e. Plantain); Wild Onion (Allium Canadense); List Of Common Ailments With Corresponding Wild Medicinal; Natural Medicine with Herbal Prepper! (09/01/2015); Prepper's Natural Medicine- Lifesaving Herbs, Essential Oils and Natural Remedies For When There Is No Doctor;
Benefits Of This Wild Herb: This wild herb was introduced to the early American Settlers to ease
childbirth, menstrual problems, facilitate childbirth and pelvic
inflammation. Today this herb has been found to also help with
bronchitis and rheumatism. Squaw Root is also an effective diuretic as it induces and
increases the flow of urine and will help eliminate excess water in the
system. The herb also promotes heavy perspiration, which will help
eliminate toxins through the skin. As a mild expectorant, Squaw Root is still used today by herbalists to reduce congestion and help treat bronchitis. Squaw Root is a tonic that has been known to calm
and improve nervous disorders. Squaw Root has been
used to relieve muscle cramps, spasms and some epileptic seizures,
hiccough (hiccup) and whooping cough. Squaw Root is an anti-inflammatory that helps to reduce the inflammation of rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
Vitiman and Mineral Makeup: Some of Squaw Root's constituents include beta-carotene, caulophyllin
(its active principle), saponin, gum, starch, soluble resin, vital
minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, silicon and phosphorus,
which help to alkalinize the blood and urine), B-vitamins and vitamin
C. The roots are used in herbal medicine.
Contraindications: Squaw Root should be used with caution and should be used only
under the supervision of a physician. Pregnant women should not use
this herb until ready to deliver, as it is a uterine stimulant. Squaw
Root should not be taken for an indefinite period of time (a week at most is recommended) and should be avoided by patients with hypertension
and heart disease.
Squaw Root Medicinal Tea:
2) Chop the cleaned root into mid sized chunks
3) Place your root chunks (2 tea spoons worth) into the water (roughly 1 pint) and bring it to a slow boil (once at the boild back the heat down and allow the tea to steep.
4) Filter the root from the water using a filter lid and pour your tea into a long-term storage container to cool.
5) Once the tea has cooled to room temperature you may drink 2-3 tablespoons up to six time a day for up to a week.
Need Help Identifying Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants?
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Sometimes in life you inquisitive side allows you to get lucky whenever you find something in nature and its extremely helpful in everyday life. This past week was one of those days where I came across something I haven't used before, looked it up using every reference manual I had and the internet and came to the conclusion that the mystery plant was a helpful medicinal. Squaw Root was an excellent find for any female out there who may be dealing with issues while out int the wilderness.
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