Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The 7 P's Of Survival Radio Show: A Discussion w/ Todd Walker "The Survival Sherpa" (07/28/15)

In-case you missed last weeks live show with the Survival Sherpa, here is the player so you can listen to the recording. If you have any questions please feel free to ask them below and I will gladly answer them.

Todd Walker “The Survival Sherpa”
Joshua “The 7 P’s of Survival

Todd Walker "The Survival Sherpa"
This week it is my privilege to have my friend Todd Walker (A.K.A. The Survival Sherpa) on the show to talk about the Doing The Stuff Network his online presence where he shares his journey toward self reliance. Todd and I have very similar interests when it comes to a self reliant life style. We both strive to enhance our own skills on a daily basis while sharing what we learn via our media outlets. We both enjoy skills from the golden age of camping, traditional kit item, old time skills and whatever you would like to call being able to affect your own survival with minimal kit in a woodland environment.
Todd Walker "The Survival Sherpa"
Todd and I will be talking about some of his recent articles that I found interesting including: Making your own lightweight oil cloth tarp; the top 13 uses for pine trees in woodcraft and self reliance, Step-by-step guide to primitive fire and also several articles about primitive meat preservation. While we may have time to dig into a few other topics and would also love to hear from you with questions, but I’m most excited to talk about his DIY lightweight oil skin tarp from a bed sheet. I have been thinking about doing this project for over a year and now and I hope we are able to inspire other to think about making portions of their own kit as well!
Todd Walker "The Survival Sherpa"
This show is all about learning by doing and we both truly hope to inspire others to “Do the stuff of self reliance!” We both would like to challenge you to get out there with your kit and practice your self-reliance skills with us. With that in mind, this week’s survival challenge will once again be in the fire craft vein as we will talk about fire lays and honing your fire craft skills! I look forward to seeing your submissions to the survival skill challenge and look forward to continuing our journey of self reliant skill development.

Listen & Chat Here “LIVE” on Tuesdays 6:00pm/Pacific

About The 7 P’s Of Survival show!
Join Josh of the 7 P’s Survival Blog in the studio every Tuesday night at 9pm Eastern Time. This is a live show where you can interact and engage with Josh and His guests (Josh often invites his friends from the preparedness community to dig into pertinent topics). You can interact via chat room or by calling into the show (we would love to hear from you!). Each week regardless of whether there is a guest for the show Josh will dig into current events and legal issues which relate to preparedness, update you on what is going on with his blog/survival school and review the happenings of various survival related television programming.

Josh runs the 7p’s Survival Blog, JPS Consulting LLC (Oil & Gas Law, Business Strategy, Emergency Response, Etc.), A Survival School (Coming fall of 2015) and is working on his first survival related book (he has published several books on incident command and legal issues for emergency response agencies). Josh has worked in emergency response since 1999 serving as a fire chief and a variety of other capacities throughout his career. Josh holds a Doctor of Juris Prudence degree from the West Virginia University College of Law along with a BSBAd’s in Marketing and Management from West Virginia University College of Business and Economics. He also holds hundreds of emergency response related certifications many at the national level. He has taught at a wide variety of emergency response conferences and for various state and federal agencies mostly in the area of incident management, technical rescue and hazardous materials mitigation.

This show will explore a wide variety of topics including: legal issues in preparedness, wilderness skills (including a weekly skill challenge- A youtube video will be shared each week demonstrating a skill for listeners to review and post their responses), self reliant skills, gear reviews and interviews with manufactures, current events, Q & A with fellow bloggers and YouTuber’s, emergency response and disaster preparedness and recovery.

So what are the 7 P’s? The 7 P’s concept is derived from the military and emergency response where the pneumonic stands for the following: Prior, Proper, Planning, Prevents, Piss, Poor, Performance. This old adage stuck with Josh since his early days in the fire service and resonated with him so much it became his approach to preparedness and wilderness survival right along with his emergency response career.

7P’s Survival Blog: http://priorproperplanningpppp.blogspot.com/
Consulting Company Website: http://jpsconsulting.webs.com/
Email: joshsemailfilter-7psblog@yahoo.com
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 Archived show listed below!

7/28/2015 Todd Walker “The Survival Sherpa”
7/21/2015 Obtaining suitable water!
7/14/2015 The quality of knives an excellent show with James Wahls from Indy Hammered Knives
7/7/2015 The 7 P’s of Survival first live radio show!

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